It wouldn't be a week without pink now would it?
via belle maison
and I love this little the full story here..
maxine brandy via desire to inspire
I would really like to curl up here with a book or have a chat to the portraits...that middle one wouldn't put up with much nonsense by the look of her...
via ada and darcy
via belgian pearls
isn't this a beautiful collection...
via brabourne farm
and see....I can do white!
And now, but only because Sarah asked for a picture like the one of the study I posted midst clean-up (which she apparently found highly amusing!!) and Jenny who thought I was being a big girl's blouse by not showing is a picture of the mayhem that was, until around 5 o'clock courtyard, or a corner of it. The pile has now been dealt with you'll be pleased to know, but there's still a long way to go before we have a blogworthy courtyard photo I'm afraid...
Why do I start these things?? I'm clearly barking mad...well not really (the talking to the portraits comment was a joke, you know that right?). Right.